Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Let not your "heart" be troubled"

Journal Entry-April 23, 2009

I started the week with literal "heart" concern. I had shortness of breath and some tightness in my chest over the weekend. Dr. Go sent me for a CT scan of my heart and an EKG. There were no blood clots in my heart, which was a big praise. Dr. Go told us today that my heart ejection fraction had actually gone up from my previous EKG! My heart is stronger today than it was in January, despite the chemotherapy drugs! And my red blood cell counts went from 10.8 at my last chemotherapy to 11.4 today! Thank you Amy for the tip about the chlorophyll and alfalfa tablets and thank you Lord for doing great things! Now that the “big” things have been ruled out as causes for my symptoms, the only thing left is just chemotherapy fatigue. Each treatment takes a little more out of me and makes it a little harder to bounce back. Dr. Go said to keep up my activity level to keep my body conditioned. I don’t think I can be any more active, so I’m glad it’s helping!

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26

Joey had his MRI on Tuesday evening. We are waiting for a report from Dr. Morales. It has been very hard dropping him off at school and letting him get out of my sight. I have comforted myself with Psalm 121 and the thought of the deep, deep love of Jesus being underneath him and all around him.
“Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore, how He came to pay our ransom through the saving cross He bore; How He watches o’er his loved ones; those He died to make His own, How for them He’s interceding, pleading now before the throne. Oh the deep, deep love, all I need and trust is the deep, deep love of Jesus. Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus, far surpassing all the rest, it’s an ocean full of blessing in the midst of every test. Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus, mighty Savior, precious Friend. You will bring us home to glory, where Your love will never end.” (from “Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus”-Galkin Evangelistic Team)

"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me…Philip said to him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us." Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me” John 14:1a, 8-9a

“Am I hurting Jesus by allowing my heart to be troubled? If I believe the character of Jesus, am I living up to my belief? Am I allowing anything to perturb my heart, any morbid questions to come in? I have to get to the implicit relationship that takes everything as it comes from Him. God never guides presently, but always now. Realize that the Lord is here now, and the emancipation if immediate.” (from “My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers)

1 comment:

  1. Shannon,

    Congratulations on such a shrunk tumor! (Funny how we cancer folks talk to each other.)

    I'm so glad the alfalfa and chlorophyll were helpful. You're encouraging me not to give up on them. Between the pregnancy and chemo, my hematacrit had dropped to around 7. It was up to 10 a couple of weeks ago, but needs to be up higher before the c-section on Sunday. I was getting discouraged with my own advice.

    Your last chemo is just around the corner. I know you're excited! I resume chemo on May 21 and hope to be done around July 21 if I can sustain the condensed treatments. Then comes the radiation.

    Okay...its back to the long list for me. I'm feeling really good and I hope to finish cleaning the carpets, weed the flowers, clean the study closet... Just a few days to go!

