Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fall Friday Soccer and Saturday Pancakes

I made it through the first week back to school. Thanks for all the prayers! They were a necessity. Ending this week with a HPCS Soccer "redemption win" over Providence was sweet! As sweet as the pancakes I felt like making this morning.
The nausea for me is like Much-Afraid's guide, Suffering. It is always there. I try to drink and eat frequently to help. I was able to come home and rest in the afternoons, then get up to finish up the day here at home. I'm hoping that next week will hold better days as for as side effects. We are going to Niven's Apple Orchard on Thursday, so pray really hard that day!
My blood counts were expectantly low, but not too low. My potassium was low so I am now taking supplements twice daily. They will check my counts again on Sept. 27 and if they are back up, they will proceed with Chemo #2 at full strength on Thursday, Sept. 29.
Several of you have mentioned that you can't comment on my blog. It has been messed up for a long time, so if you want to message me through facebook, that would be encouraging.
Teresa Caldwell has set up a meal website link to help with meals during my chemotherapy treatments. The link is:
Thanks for all of the prayers and support!

1 comment:

  1. Check you school email. I got the answers to the questions you had this morning at school. Pam
