"For you shall not go out in haste, and you shall not go in flight, for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard." Isaiah 52:12
I don't profess to be a football expert by any means and what little I know I've learned from comments between my "boys" as they watch games. But I do know this...if that quarterback isn't protected, before and behind, it is trouble!
As we all look to this New Year ahead, let's never forget that no matter what we are facing, the Lord goes before us and He is our rear guard! I'm glad we're on His Team!
As the confusion has cleared over the past week, I now have a "flight plan" for the next few months. I will continue with Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks, beginning on Jan. 12. They will do blood work that day to check my timber marker but the results will take a few days to come in. Surgery has been delayed until summer at the earliest. They want to see me go "disease free" for a longer period of time before they attempt another surgery and this is in the Lord's Hands so He will heal and protect. At some point between now and then, they will do a PET scan. And finally, I have started on Tykerb, a chemotherapy drug similar to Herceptin in that it will block the growth of cancer cells that are positive for the Her2 antibody. I will work my way up to 5 pills a day by next Monday. I take them all at the same time and I believe I will take them before my evening meal. Last night when I started with 2 pills, I was nauseated within 30 minutes. Side effects can vary and I would appreciate your prayers as I begin this treatment. My body and all its organs need to be strong and hold up under the effects of these 2 drugs so I can continue to take them as long as needed. I am looking forward to getting back to school tomorrow and starting the downhill slope to the end of the year. It's hard to believe the year is almost half way over! Once I see how I'm going to respond to this new drug, I hope to be able to return regularly to church. Thanks for all of the Christmas wishes and cards. May God bless you all as you begin this year with the Lord!
"Leave the Irreparable Past in His hands, and step out into the Irresistible Future with Him"!
Oswald Chambers
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