"Creation sings the Father’s song. He calls the sun to wake the dawn and run the course of day, ‘Til evening falls in crimson rays. His fingerprints in flakes of snow, His breath upon this spinning globe; He charts the eagle’s flight, commands the newborn baby’s cry.
Creation gazed upon His face. The ageless One in time’s embrace unveiled the Father’s plan of reconciling God to man. A second Adam walked the earth, whose blameless life would break the curse, whose death would set us free to live with Him eternally.
Creation longs for His return, when Christ shall reign upon the earth. The bitter wars that rage are birth-pains of a coming age. When He renews the land and sky, all Heav’n will sing and earth reply with one resplendent theme: the glory of our God and King.
Hallelujah! Let all creation stand and sing. Hallelujah! Fill the earth with songs of worship, tell the wonders of creation’s King." (Getty)
"The center of salvation is the Cross of Jesus, and the reason it is so easy to obtain salvation is because it cost God so much. The Cross is the point where God and sinful man merge with a crash and the way to life is opened-but the crash is on the heart of God." (Oswald Chambers)
Creation sings of the Cross and God's redemption plan for all who believe! What a wonderful Easter Season!
My bone scan showed no signs of cancer and my Echo showed normal heart function! Praise the Lord! This was a specific answer to prayer-that my heart would stay strong while I continue Herceptin and Tykerb. I will be having a PET scan within the next 4 weeks to check for any signs of cancer in tissues or organs. The PET scan only shows large areas of concern, so we are not expecting to see anything on this scan. If the PET report is good, then I will continue Herceptin and Tykerb and plan to have more surgery in June after school is out.
Thanks so much for the prayers, cards, and words and deeds of encouragement!
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