Wednesday, April 28, 2010

There and back again!

Journal Entry-April 28, 2010

Anna and I had a wonderful time in Williamsburg! I had never been and really enjoyed seeing what our country was like during the time of the Revolution. Not so far removed from the feelings of patriotism and freedom we feel today!
I am having to bandage my arm due to swelling from the lymphedema. I was out of my normal routine while travelling last week and had some fluid building up. I should have my new compression sleeves soon.
I have a routine M.R.I. on May 3 and will receive the results the next Tuesday. I'll update then. Thank you so much for praying!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know you had a wonderful time!! :) The pictures to the right are cool. I know you all had a great time! I will be thinking of you tomorrow and praying that everything will be ok. Hopefully the swelling will go down soon! I will be home in a week!! Hope to see you soon!!! :) Tell your family I said hi!

    Praying for you!

