Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wonderfully Made

Journal Entry-March 15, 2009
This round has been a little tough to shake! From the moment I walked into the chemo. room on Thursday, the smell of the chemicals hit me like a brick wall. I asked Joe if he smelled them and he didn't. Later I talked to Cassie, my nurse, and she said the nurses don't smell them either. But a lot of patients do begin to really get nauseated when they come for treatment after they've been through a few rounds. She said unfortunately, it doesn't get any easier. She told me to try some Vicks Vapor Rub on my nose before I come in each time from here on out. It helped on Friday when I went back for my shot and fluids. Even with all the medicines I'm taking for side effects, I'm having trouble getting past the nausea and chemical taste. Hopefully it will subside little by little over the next few days. I'm planning to try to make it at work tomorrow.

I had been wondering why certain side effects seem to be so predictable on certain days after my chemotherapy. Such as the mouth sores and heartburn around day 5-7 and the eye and nose discomfort after day 12-14. He said that all the linings of these organs (nose, eyes, throat, stomach, etc.) are continually peeling off layers and renewing themselves. The chemicals I receive target rapidly dividing cells and it can't tell the difference between the good and the bad. So when I get my chemotherapy, it kills the layer of renewing cells underneath. And when it's time for that new layer of cells to take over, they aren't there! This causes the irritation until a new layer is grown to replace it. It continues to amaze me how wonderfully God made us!


  1. I wanted to let you know you're in my prayers too. I appreciate the cards you've sent to me and knowing that you have prayed for me while we both go through chemo. I'm done until June when I'll get Taxol treatments for 3 months, then radiation for 5-6 weeks. I've been told I'll probably have a harder time with the Taxol. Pregnancy hormones minimize the side effects of chemo, so that's one good thing about being pregnant right now. Baby's birth will be around May 11. Maybe it will encourage you to know that my 3rd round was my worst. The following two actually were better. Lysine liquid (an amino acid you can get at Whole Foods) has helped my mouth sores incredibly. I take 1/2 dropper 2x a day for the first two weeks of each round. It tastes nasty, but it's been worth it.

    I hope your next rounds aren't so bad. I'll check here to see how you are, and you'll be in my prayers.

    Amy Caldwell Bixby

  2. We'll be thinking about you tomorrow. If I figure right, you have chemo again? I'll be at the oncologist's too.
